What is the Enneagram 8w7 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s look at the Tibetan Wheel of Life, a diagram or painting that depicts the Buddhist Wheel of Life. It’s important to note that there…
What is the Enneagram 7w8 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s talk about the Wilber-Combs lattice and the implications it has for our psychospiritual growth. Before we get started, it’s worth noting the that Wilber-Combs…
I wanted to share how I’ve learned to start trusting god in all circumstances, my views on this topic, and the challenges I encounter when…
In this article, we look at Ken Wilber and his views on Spiral Dynamics, which are complex and have evolved over the years. If you’re…
What is the Enneagram 7w6 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s look at subtle body energy, particularly the nine systems that comprise the subtle body. The idea of subtle body energy might seem far-fetched to…
Let’s talk about Don Beck, the creator of the well-known Spiral Dynamics framework. Though originally and primarily an academician, Don Beck later became very interested…
What is the Enneagram 6w7 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s talk about the path to enlightenment, including the common models for it, how it is largely consistent from one spiritual system to the next,…
I see arhats and bodhisattvas as archetypes of full enlightenment, as ideals that we can continue to work towards for the entire spiritual path. You…
Let’s look at the Enneagram Gut Triad, one of the three intelligence triads that the Enneagram proposes. Though it’s powerful to understand your dominant Enneagram…
What is the Enneagram 6w5 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s look at the Enneagram Head Triad, one of the three intelligence triads that the Enneagram proposes. Though it’s powerful to understand your dominant Enneagram…
In this article, we’ll look at the Healer archetype. I’ve talked about archetypes in many other articles, but to reiterate: an archetype is a kind…
Let’s look at the Enneagram Heart Triad, one of the three intelligence triads that the Enneagram proposes. Though it’s powerful to understand your dominant Enneagram…
In this article, we’ll look at the types of Buddhist meditation. Narrowing all Buddhist practices down to a few essential ones is quite a daunting…
Let’s talk about Spiral Dynamics theory and its key insights as well as its limitations. I’m glad that my bumper article on Spiral Dynamics is…
What is the Enneagram 5w6 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Meditation with your senses is a powerful technique for increasing your fulfilment, gaining insights into your mind, training up your attention skills and bringing you…
The persona and shadow are two fundamental aspects of our personality. I love this topic, and I’ve made a lot of effort to explain this…
Let’s look at the Self archetype, one of the central concepts in Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes and the unconscious, and a deeply inspiring one…
What is the Enneagram 5w4 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s talk about archetypal psychology, a fascinating and controversial area of analytical psychology that was pioneered in large part by the great Carl Jung. We…
Let’s talk about Ken Wilber’s view of the shadow and how to do his main shadow work technique. I find Ken Wilber’s theory on the…
Let’s clarify the terms awakening and enlightenment, particularly their use in the realm of spirituality. These words are a key part of spiritual parlance, but…
What is the Enneagram 4w5 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Do you express the alchemist archetype? In any area where you do remarkable work or make transformation happen, you’re tapping into the traits of this…
What is the Enneagram 4w3 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
Let’s look at how shadow work and spirituality relate to one another and the importance of combining them in any personal growth endeavour. Often they…
Today we’re going to talk about the Hero archetype and its traits, and the Hero’s Journey, a crucial psychological and mythological framework that describes how…
What is the Enneagram 3w4 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
What is the Enneagram 3w2 personality type? What are its key traits, strengths, weaknesses and fears? We’ll answer these questions in this article. This is…
When I talk of spiritual lucid dreams, I mean being awake in the dream state and having this experience inform your spiritual life. I could…
In this article, we’ll discuss autodidacticism, including the definition of it and the key features of this form of learning. We’ll also discuss how it…
Today we’re going to talk about how to release repressed anger. If you’re unsure about what repressed anger is or how to spot it, check…
It’s my humble opinion that as in any other pursuit, meditation progress is guaranteed so long as you have the right method and are persistent…
Today I’m going to talk about my deepest personal encounter with God, which was during my first acid trip, and which forever destroyed my scientific…
We’re in the most distracted era of human history: now is a time of constant overstimulation, and it’s only intensified since the advent of the…
Let’s talk about spiritual abuse: how to see the warning signs in teachers, why it happens, and how to lead a healthy spiritual life. This…
Sadly, traumatic experiences are all too common in the spiritual community. Spiritual groups often purport to be incubators for huge self-transformation, a place for like-minded…
Let’s look at 10 positive mental health habits that you can use to build a healthy mind, as well as some powerful insights into how…
If you’re struggling to get things done, spend money on a whim, binge eat, binge drink and are always looking for that next high, keep…